Welcome to Alchemy: An Ancient Beginning

The art and science of alchemy has survived for as long as mysticism within cultures have existed. And this has probably been around for as long as people wondered about Nature and her mysteries. This one-term class will be looking into the origins of alchemy and the belief of cultures from the east all the way to the west.
Because this is a one-term class, I will not be going too deep into the actual principles and theories of alchemy itself. For that, you might have to wait for the second term, where I might go further into the Great Work itself (also known as the Philosopher's Stone). That said, Alchemy: An Ancient Beginning will be looking into the myths originating from alchemy, the historical figures who have contributed, and, of course, the many different--and similar--views that have traveled across continents.
Because this is a one-term class, I will not be going too deep into the actual principles and theories of alchemy itself. For that, you might have to wait for the second term, where I might go further into the Great Work itself (also known as the Philosopher's Stone). That said, Alchemy: An Ancient Beginning will be looking into the myths originating from alchemy, the historical figures who have contributed, and, of course, the many different--and similar--views that have traveled across continents.
About the Class
This class is NOT a writing class, even though a number of you already think that I'm that evil dictator-prof who makes you write. Okay, sure, there will be writing and research options, but they are certainly not mandatory. This goes the same for graphics and drawings, etc. I also usually do a hefty amount of research, so if you find random book references, you're in no way required to read them to do the homework. They're just there 'cause I give credit where credit's due. :D